
tox entry points are used by tox to register tox plugins. A project that defines a tox plugin must declare a tox entry point pointing to the plugin object in order for tox to be able to find the plugin once it's installed. See the tox documentation for more information.

Project Entry Point
detox proclimit
fj fj tox_bootstrap tox_bootstrap
pytest-testmon-oc testmon
pytorch-wheel-installer pytorch:
retox exclude
retox proclimit
retox watch
test-stages trivtags
tox-add-factor addfactor
tox-ansible tox-ansible
tox-appveyor appveyor
tox-asdf asdf
tox-asdf-redux asdf-redux
tox-auto-env tox-auto-env
tox-backtick backtick
tox-backticks backticks
tox-backtocks backtocks
tox-battery toxbat-requirements
tox-bindep bindep
tox-conda conda
tox-console-scripts tox_console_scripts
tox-constraints constraints
tox-current-env current-env
tox-direct direct
tox-docker docker
tox-envfile tox-envfile
tox-envlist envlist
tox-external-wheels tox_external_wheels
tox-extra extra
tox-extras extras
tox-factor factor
tox-faster tox-faster
tox-gh tox-gh
tox-gh-actions tox_gh_actions
tox-gh-matrix tox_gh_matrix
tox-ignore-env-name-mismatch ignore_env_name_mismatch
tox-interpreters interpreters
tox-ipdb-plugin ipdb
tox-lambda-autodiscovery lambda-autodiscovery
tox-ltt tox_ltt
tox-min-req min-req
tox-monorepo monorepo
tox-no-deps tox_no_deps
tox-no-internet no_internet
tox-nuitka nuitka
tox-pdm pdm
tox-pin-deps pin_deps
tox-pip-extensions pip_extensions
tox-pipenv pipenv
tox-pipenv-install pipenv-install
tox-poetry poetry
tox-poetry-dev-dependencies poetry_dev_dependencies
tox-poetry-installer poetry_installer
tox-py tox_py
tox-py-backwards py_backwards
tox-pyenv pyenv
tox-pyenv-redux pyenv-redux
tox-pyo3 pyo3
tox-pypi-filter pypi-filter
tox-recreate tox-recreate
tox-recreate-hook recreate
tox-report report
tox-setuptools-version setuptools_version
tox-timemachine pypi-filter
tox-travis travis
tox-uv tox-uv
tox-venv venv
tox-virtualenv-no-download virtualenv_no_download
tox-wheel wheel
tox-wikimedia wikimedia
tox-workdir tox_workdir