entry points are used by
Sphinx to register Sphinx HTML themes. If a
project defines a sphinx.html_themes
entry point named foo
that points
to modulename
, then once the project is installed, Sphinx will call
in order to register the theme foo
. See the
Sphinx documentation for more
Project | Entry Point |
aether-sphinx | aether |
aiohttp-theme | aiohttp_theme |
alabaster | alabaster |
alabester | alabester |
allanc-sphinx | yeen |
amw-theme | amw_theme |
ansys-sphinx-theme | ansys_sphinx_theme |
ashk-sphinx-theme | sphinx_rtd_theme |
asteroid-sphinx-theme | asteroid_sphinx_theme |
astropy-sphinx-theme | bootstrap-astropy |
atsphinx-bulma | bulma-basic |
autorch-sphinx-theme | autorch_sphinx_theme |
axsemantics-sphinx-theme | axsemantics_sphinx_theme |
blitz-sphinx-theme | blitz_sphinx_theme |
bobo-test | bobo_test |
bronzivka | bronzivka |
bulma-sphinx-theme | bulma_sphinx_theme |
cakephpsphinx | cakephp |
cakephpsphinx | cakephp-epub |
canonical-sphinx | canonical_sphinx_theme |
catalyst-sphinx-theme | catalyst_sphinx_theme |
cloud_sptheme | cloud |
cloud_sptheme | greencloud |
cloud_sptheme | redcloud |
coeus-sphinx-theme | coeus_sphinx_theme |
conda-sphinx-theme | conda_sphinx_theme |
craftercms-sphinx-theme | craftercms_sphinx_theme |
ctao-sphinx-theme | ctao |
dask-sphinx-theme | dask_sphinx_theme |
deta-hub | deta-hub |
dff-sphinx-theme | dff_sphinx_theme |
dkist-sphinx-theme | dkist |
domdf-sphinx-theme | domdf_sphinx_theme |
doxphinx | doxphinx |
esfinge | esfinge |
etched-sphinx-theme | etched_sphinx_theme |
f5-sphinx-theme | f5_sphinx_theme |
faculty-sphinx-theme | faculty-sphinx-theme |
ferrocene-sphinx-shared-resources | ferrocene |
Flask-Sphinx-Themes | flask |
Flask-Sphinx-Themes | flask_small |
furo | furo |
furo_tb | furo_tb |
furomon | furomon |
gjtheme | gjtheme |
grg-sphinx-theme | grg_sphinx_theme |
groundwork-sphinx-theme | groundwork |
gruvboxsphinx | gruvboxsphinx |
hudsonthames-sphinx-theme | hudsonthames_sphinx_theme |
iati-sphinx-theme | iati_sphinx_theme |
insegel | insegel |
insipid-sphinx-theme | insipid |
jiveapi | jiveapi |
jupyterhub-sphinx-theme | jupyterhub_sphinx_theme |
kedro-sphinx-theme | kedro-sphinx-theme |
kentigern | kentigern |
kpruss | kpruss |
labs-sphinx-theme | labs_sphinx_theme |
materialism | materialism |
mdanalysis-sphinx-theme | mdanalysis_sphinx_theme |
mpl-sphinx-theme | mpl_sphinx_theme |
mrtoolstheme | mrtools |
murray | murray |
napari-sphinx-theme | napari_sphinx_theme |
nengo-sphinx-theme | nengo_sphinx_theme |
neo3-python | neo3 |
neocrym-sphinx-theme | neocrym-sphinx-theme |
nextstrain-sphinx-theme | nextstrain-sphinx-theme |
niftools-sphinx-theme | niftools_sphinx_theme |
nltk-theme | nltk_theme |
nvidia-sphinx-theme | nvidia_sphinx_theme |
odsc-default-sphinx-theme | odsc_default_sphinx_theme |
opale | opale |
openwisp-sphinx-theme | openwisp-sphinx-theme |
orangeqs-sphinx-extensions | orangeqs_sphinx_theme |
origami-theme | origami |
otcdocstheme | otcdocstheme |
ou-sphinx-theme | openuniversity |
pangeo-sphinx-book-theme | pangeo_sphinx_book_theme |
pennylane-sphinx-theme | pennylane |
petljadoc | bootstrap_petlja_theme |
petljadoc | petljadoc_course_theme |
petljadoc | petljadoc_runestone_theme |
photonsphinx | photonsphinx |
piccolo-theme | piccolo_theme |
plasmapy-sphinx | plasmapy_theme |
plone-sphinx-theme | plone_sphinx_theme |
projectx | projectx |
psyneulink-sphinx-theme | psyneulink_sphinx_theme |
pydata-sphinx-theme | pydata_sphinx_theme |
pymc-learn-sphinx-theme | pymc_learn_sphinx_theme |
pymc-sphinx-theme | pymc_sphinx_theme |
pymedphys-sphinxtheme | pymedphys_sphinxtheme |
pyos-sphinx-theme | pyos_sphinx_theme |
python-docs-theme | python_docs_theme |
python-docs-theme-lucit | python_docs_theme_lucit |
python-docs-theme-technopathy | python_docs_theme_technopathy |
pytorch-book | pytorch_book |
pytorch-sphinx-theme | pytorch_sphinx_theme |
qctrl-sphinx-theme | qctrl_sphinx_theme |